Roof Edge Protection
Freestanding Guardrail

Free standing guardrail products have been designed specifically to provide permanent edge protection for areas where regular access for maintenance and inspection is required.
The product designs provides permanent edge protection without the need to mechanically fix the system through the roofing membrane or building’s structure. Their simple cantilever principle provides unrivalled strength, stability and safety and overcomes the problems associated with traditional systems such as having to drill and puncture the roof membrane which can lead to potential penetrative water damage and noise disturbance during installation. Similarly, high levels of insulation included within warm deck and inverted flat roof designs often mean it is virtually impossible to fix through, as with traditional systems, without causing cold bridging. This may then cause interstitial condensation to form within the flat roof construction, causing the roof to deteriorate and eventually require replacement.
Components are generally supplied with a galvanised finish carried out to BS EN ISO 1461: Hot Dip Galvanised Coatings Specification and Testing Methods, giving an average coating of between 65-85 microns. Alternative materials are available from manufacturers including aluminium.
Systems generally consist of galvanised tubing joined together using a clamping/welded/screwed method of connection.
Generally systems have been specially designed to fit any shapeand size of flat and pitched roofs up to ten degrees, even circular designs in some cases. The systems can also cope with changes in levels, roof falls and difficult details such as ductwork passing over the roof edge and cable trays/plant mounted at the roof edge. The flexibility of the counter weight design allows the systems to be used on plant congested or complex detailed roofs.
The smooth lines of the standard galvanised finish can generally be further enhanced by the application of powder coating to BS 6497 Specification for Powder Organic Coatings, with bespoke colour produced to special order.
HSE Specialist Inspectors Report No 15 1987
Workplace Health Safety & Welfare Regulations 1992
BS 6399 Part 1 Loading for Building 1996
Construction Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1996
BS 6399 Part 2 Code of Practice for Wind Loading 1997
BS 6180 Protective Barriers In and About Buildings 1999
The Work at Height Regulations 2005
EN 14122-3 Safety of machinery. Permanent means of access to machinery, stairways, stepladders and guardrails 2010
HSE Health & Safety in Roofwork 2012
The Building Regulations Part K 2013
EN 13374 Temporary Edge Protection Systems – Product Specification, Test Methods 2013.
BS 13700:2021 – Permanent Counterwweighted Guardrail Systems
OSHA Reg 29 CFR 1910.23 (E) (1); (E) (3) (IV).
OSHA Reg 29 CFR 1926.502 (B) (1) – (B) (14).
OSHA Reg 29 CFR 1926.501 (b) (1); (b) (2) (ii)
Canadian National Building Code,,
Ontario Building Code Section,,
The freestanding guardrail does not penetrate the roof surface and so does not lead to potential roof leaks.
Freestanding guardrail complies with various international standards EN ISO 14122 Part 3, EN 13374 Class A, HSG-33 Health & Safety in Roof Work, HSE INDG 284 “Working on roofs”,
Freestanding Guardrail can be used on a variety of roofs, such as: concrete, asphalt, PVC, membrane and felt roof surfaces
Modular systems can be configured with almost all configurations of flat roofs up to 10 degrees slope Can include Toe-Board where required
Can be coated to any colour to stay in keeping with aesthetics of buildings and surroundings.
Most systems offer excellent corrosion resistance.
Installation is generally straight forward without the use of expensive power tools.
Modular systems allow for reconfiguration on site if required.
Modular systems allow for sections to be taken down, for reconstruction elsewhere
Modular systems do not require welding, threading or bolting required on site
Can be used on any flat roof and configured around an array of plant and equipment installed at roof level.
Installation Restrictions
Access to Area requiring collective protection
Roof Surface
Inclination of Roof in degrees
Location – Wind Speeds
Material specification – Steel, Aluminium, GRP
Passing foot traffic – Loadings
Frequency of access
Duration of works
Appropriate Standard
Areas that require access by maintenance workers etc.
Space Available for counterbalances
Recertification service offered by competent Fall Protection Installers are designed to help you ensure roof safety equipment is safe to use at all times and to comply with health and safety regulations.
Under current legislation such as the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, companies are required to provide a safe working environment. However, ensuring safe access for work at height does not simply stop when you invest in and install safety equipment. Once the equipment has been installed it must be maintained in accordance with existing legislation and examined at least once a year as outlined in BS EN 365
Unfortunately this does not always happen which means that companies and/or individuals may be held accountable should an accident occur and the equipment is found to be at fault and/or uncertified. In addition to supplying and maintaining equipment, companies must also provide information, instruction, training and supervision for both employees and those outside their regular employment who are accessing their site for whatever reason.
Periodic inspections by a competent person are required under Regulation 5 of the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations, the Work at Height Regulations and BS EN 365.
The frequency will depend upon the environment, location and usage but should be at least every 12 months.
Walk and visually inspect the complete installed system in relation to the general client’s needs. Establish if any modifications and/or additional products are required to reflect any refurbishment requirements or additional plant & equipment which have been installed and require access.
Check installation configuration is complete as per the original installation drawing/plan.
Ensure the system has not been modified or tampered with by unauthorised persons.
Check all base feet are in contact with the roof membrane.
Check all counter weights are in place as per the original drawing. This is essential for wind loading calculations.
Check all fixings are in place, greased and sufficiently torque.
Check that the general height and level of the system including the leg centres. (This only tends to be an issue if the system has been tampered with between inspections).
Where toe-boards are fitted check the brackets that support the toe-board are in place, greased and sufficiently torqued.
Where applicable, check fixings to walls/structures including cat ladder clamps are in place, greased and sufficiently torqued.
Check system plaque position & mark up to reflect date of the next required inspection.